COVID-19 Alert Level update

Auckland is now under Alert Level 3, and the rest of Aotearoa now under Alert Level 2 for seven days. Let’s all remain vigilant and continue to follow the correct physical distancing and hygiene precautions. You can read the official information from Government...

COVID-19 Alert Level update

As of Tuesday 23 February, Auckland joins the rest of Aotearoa under Alert Level 1. This is very reassuring news, particularly for our Auckland whānau, however we need to stay vigilant and take continue to take social distancing and hygiene precautions seriously. A...

Acknowledging 10 years since the Christchurch Earthquake

22 February 2021 marks 10 years since the devastating earthquake in Ōtautahi. Today, we take a moment to remember all who died in this devastating event. Our thoughts also go out to all of the whānau who lost loved ones and remain impacted by this tragedy.

Keeping Ngāti Rangitihi safe at Alert Levels 3 and 2

With Auckland now under Alert Level 3, and the rest of Aotearoa now under Alert Level 2, this is a reminder for all of us that we are not out of the woods when it comes to COVID-19. We need to remain vigilant and take continue to take social distancing and hygiene...