An investigation into the potential of a new ‘Great Walk’ around Mount Tarawera is underway.

With the help of Rotorua MP Todd McClay, the Trust has secured funding for a feasibility study to look into the possibility of a three-day walk. This would take trampers up Mt Tarawera to its summit and provide guided walks and a range of accommodation options.

The initial idea is to have the walking track run from The Landing, using the existing trail to Hot Water Beach. Accommodation options could be set up on the iwi-owned land at Te Ariki. From there, people would walk to Tapahoro campsite for night two, then to Tarawera Falls, over the hill to Lake Okataina, or out to Kawerau.

The feasibility study is an important step in assessing whether the concept of an alpine track will meet our iwi’s aspirations and obligations as kaitiaki. It will include a particular focus on the cultural and environmental impact of the proposed track.

We expect the results of this study to be released later this year and this will enable Ngāti Rangitihi and Ruawahia 2B to make an informed decision on whether to continue to investigate this concept.