He aituā, he aituā kua mate a Martin Marr.
Ka haria ki te kaitirotiro tūpāpaku ki Kirikiriroa. Koinā noiho i nga mōhiotanga i te wa nei.

With the sad passing of Martin Marr, former Trustee of Te Mana o Ngāti Rangitihi Trust last night, we have postponed the PSGE Ratification Information Hui which was to have been held at Rangitihi Marae in Matatā tomorrow, 23 June.

The Rotomahana-Parekarangi 5a hui which was to have been held earlier tomorrow morning has also been postponed.

We are looking to reschedule both hui, and we will be in touch over the next few days with details of when this Ratification Information Hui will be held.

Our condolences go out to Martin Marr’s whānau, and all those close to him, during this sad time.

If you have any questions, please contact the Te Mana office on 07 322 2452 or email info@ngatirangitihi.iwi.nz.