Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Trust will be held on Saturday 25 November at Rangitihi Marae, Matatā, commencing 2.00pm. The Trust’s Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2017 will be presented at the AGM. The Annual Report will also be posted on our website and emailed to beneficiaries prior to the hui. Hard copies will be available on request. For details, please contact 07 322 2452 or email

Trust elections

Congratulations to our newly elected Trustees Melanie Cheung, Taichi Playle and Tia Warbrick. They succeed Tiipene Marr, Kenneth Raureti and Harina Warbrick.

This year’s voter turnout was 25.95%, with 863 of the 3,325 eligible electors choosing to vote. 57% of votes were received by post, with 43% coming via internet-votes.

Building on our government relationships

We are looking forward to working with the new and returning MPs who oversee our rohe so that we can continue to build strong relationships.

Following September’s election results, we welcome back Minister Anne Tolley for her fifth term as East Coast MP, and Minister Todd McClay who returns as MP for Rotorua. We will also have East Coast parliamentary representation from Labour list MP Kiri Allan. For Waiariki, we farewell Te Ururoa Flavell and thank him for all the work he has done, and welcome newcomer Tamati Coffey.

Ngā Pae Hihiri Training

All 20 places have been filled on the three-day Nga Pae Hihiri training programme to be held on October 24, 25 and 26. This free course is designed to help Ngāti Rangitihi participants develop their governance, strategic and economic thinking.