We are proud to be part of a collaboration working to get high-speed internet access to the home of every child in Matatā.

Technology is becoming more and more prevalent in today’s learning environment – and while we have high-speed internet in our schools, it’s important our young people can continue their learning outside the school gates.

That’s why investing in digital learning projects for the community is a high priority for the Trust.

We are currently working alongside the community, our schools, and Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru to get three antennae installed in the town: one at the school and two at strategic spots.

This will allow about 100 homes to pick up high-speed wi-fi, and give access to anyone walking along the street with a device.

Having access to wi-fi will mean our students can access their learning, such as Google Drive or apps they use at school, at home.

We were delighted to see 75 iPads provided to Matatā Public School in June/July, with students at St Joseph’s Catholic School having access to these in Term 3.