Aroaromahana 2016 Newsletter

Kōrero o te Tiamana   Tēnā koutou katoa, We have had another busy quarter as we continue our negotiations with the Crown. Highlights have included visits by Treaty Negotiations Minister Christopher Finlayson on 27 July and Economic Development Minister Steven...

Redress 2016 Newsletter

Kōrero o te Tiamana   In shaping an acceptable redress package, the Ngāti Rangitihi Negotiators have had particular regard to the current condition of Ngāti Rangitihi people in the context of their 175-year relationship with the Crown. In pre-European times Ngāti...

Tokerau 2016 Newsletter

Kōrero o te Tiamana   Tēnā koutou katoa I am pleased to report that 2016 is off to a very good start for Te Mana, with our restructuring complete and the office running smoothly. The audit of the Iwi Register is now almost finalised and I acknowledge staff for...