Waimangu purchase to bring real benefit for iwi

Waimangu purchase to bring real benefit for iwi

The Waimangu Volcanic Valley has returned to our iwi. In August, we announced Te Mana o Ngāti Rangitihi Trust and Tūhourangi Tribal Authority, supported by Te Puia, had jointly purchased the business and assets of Waimangu Volcanic Valley Limited. This business...
Work underway to investigate a Tarawera Great Walk

Work underway to investigate a Tarawera Great Walk

An investigation into the potential of a new ‘Great Walk’ around Mount Tarawera is underway. With the help of Rotorua MP Todd McClay, the Trust has secured funding for a feasibility study to look into the possibility of a three-day walk. This would take trampers up Mt...

Trust Survey

In this year’s Trust elections, we also sought opinions on whether people supported the current way of electing Trustees. You were asked whether you preferred voting for Trustees to represent all of Ngāti Rangitihi, or whether you’d rather vote for Trustees to...
In brief

In brief

Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of the Trust will be held on Saturday 25 November at Rangitihi Marae, Matatā, commencing 2.00pm. The Trust’s Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2017 will be presented at the AGM. The Annual Report will also be...
Launch of our new website

Launch of our new website

Have you seen our new-look website? Te Mana have been working hard behind the scenes to bring our iwi a more informative and engaging website. At the heart of the makeover was a desire for our people to be able to access information easily on the site and see the...

Kōanga 2017 Newsletter

Kōrero o te Tiamana   Tēnā kōutou katoa, As we approach the end of the year it’s timely to reflect on our recent mahi and the progress Ngāti Rangitihi has made on a number of exciting projects. This has included our purchase of the Waimangu Volcanic Valley...