In Brief – Kōanga 2018

AGM Notice The Annual General Meeting of the Trust will be held on Saturday 1 December at Rangitihi Marae, Matatā, commencing 1.00 pm. The Trust’s Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2018 will be presented. Financial statements will be posted two weeks prior and...

Tokerau 2018 Newsletter

  Tēnā koutou ngā uri o Ngāti Rangitihi The year is now well underway and it promises to be an exciting one for Ngāti Rangitihi. The mahi that our trustees and staff have undertaken at the back end of 2017 and the early stages of 2018 has meant we are well set...

New Trustees

Following our latest trustee elections, we have three new trustees to introduce: Melanie Cheung, Taichi Playle and Tia Warbrick.   Melanie Cheung Growing up in Edgecumbe, Melanie has been interested in Ngāti Rangitihi politics for the past ten years and is...

Treaty Update

Our engagement with the Crown has in recent months focussed on demonstrating our customary interests in Matatā over the period 1840 – 1866. The Office of Treaty Settlements (OTS) engaged a leading historian, Merata Kawharu, to write an independent report. The...

In Brief

Pokohu A3 Māori Reservation land Ngāti Rangitihi is currently exploring changing the responsible trustee for Pokohu A3 Māori Reservation land. This land was originally awarded to Ngāti Rangitihi by the Native Land Court in the late 1800s. Following a Māori Land Court...