The Waimangu Volcanic Valley has returned to our iwi.

In August, we announced Te Mana o Ngāti Rangitihi Trust and Tūhourangi Tribal Authority, supported by Te Puia, had jointly purchased the business and assets of Waimangu Volcanic Valley Limited.

This business operates an eco-tourism experience which features sight-seeing tours looking at the unique ecology, rare botany, and fascinating geothermal features like steaming volcanic crater lakes.

It’s an exciting and significant milestone for Ngāti Rangitihi, and will bring important strategic and commercial benefits for our iwi. Our ownership will also provide a strong platform to enable the continued success and growth of our people.

We are looking forward to building on the great work undertaken by Waimangu kaitiaki, the late Harvey James, whose vision was always for Waimangu to eventually return to iwi.

The new company, Waimangu Volcanic Valley (2017) Limited, will have a Board consisting of two representatives from Te Mana, one from Te Puia and one from the Tūhourangi Tribal Authority and a rotating Chairperson.