Kōrero o te Tiamana


Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete me te Tau Hou!

It’s that time of the year again when we reflect and we look forward. First, can I acknowledge those who have passed during the year, ratou kua ngaro ki te po e moe, e moe, e moe. Kati. Te hunga mate ki te hunga mate, te hunga ora ki te hunga ora. Tena tatou katoa.

Another year has flown by, and what a significant year it has been for Ngāti Rangitihi. We have achieved several milestones in our journey towards Settlement, which, once secured, will help to shape the future of our Iwi and our region.

I look back on this year with pride, reflecting on the power of our people when we band together for a collective goal. I look forward to 2017 with anticipation of what is still to come for us, and excitement for where we hope to be in a year’s time.

I want to thank our team in the office, the whānau who keep our marae fires burning, our Negotiators, and all uri of Ngāti Rangitihi. We’ve been busy and you all deserve a good rest.

The year began with the appointment of Crown Chief Negotiator Katherine Gordon, who we are working closely with. We are still on track to have our Agreement in Principle signed in 2017, before it is put out for
you all to vote on.

We have also made significant progress with the recording of our Ngāti Rangitihi story, led by our strengthened research team. This is a major piece of work that will play a significant role throughout our negotiations and I acknowledge the team for their extensive mahi.

Other highlights have included visits from Treaty Negotiations Minister Chris Finlayson in July and Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce in September, and we are encouraged and excited by the consistently good turnouts to our whakapapa wānanga and Reo classes. We look forward to
continuing these in the New Year.

With only a handful of sleeps until Christmas, I wish you all a very happy and safe festive season and hope
that you get the opportunity to spend quality time with whānau. Until next year, take care.

Mauri ora!

Leith Comer

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