We will be holding a Hui-Ā-Iwi to provide you with an update on our Treaty Settlement journey, discuss our COVID-19 response and the post-COVID-19 environment, and an opportunity for you to give feedback.

Very soon, we hope to be able to initial our Deed of Settlement and hold our ratification process (where you, as registered members, get to vote on whether or not they approve the settlement), so we want to share with you the next steps towards achieving this milestone in our journey.

Date: Sunday 5 July 2020
Time: 1pm
Venue: Rangitihi Marae, Matatā

Please come along, if you can make it! It will be great to see you there, after so many months of not being able to connect kanohi ki te kanohi due to the pandemic.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact us on 07 322 2452 or info@ngatirangitihi.iwi.nz prior to the hui.