AGM Notice

The Annual General Meeting of the Trust will be held on Saturday 1 December at Rangitihi Marae, Matatā, commencing 1.00 pm. The Trust’s Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2018 will be presented. Financial statements will be posted two weeks prior and hard copies made available on request. Light refreshments will be provided. For any inquiries, please contact 07 322 2452 or email


Te Arawa Lakes Trust Elections

A reminder that the Te Arawa Lakes Trust elections are coming up. Nominations open on 5 September and close
26 September. We hope to see some excellent Ngāti Rangitihi candidates standing for the three positions available.  If you are interested in standing,
please contact the Lakes Trust office on 0508 832 729 or go to


Otakiri Springs Resource Consent

Thank you to those of you who have raised concerns around Ngāti Rangitihi’s position on the extension to the Otakiri Springs water bottling plant. We appreciated the kōrero on this at our recent Hui-a-Iwi. In 2017, Ngāti Rangitihi offered support for the application in the belief it would bring improved local employment opportunities. Since receiving additional information and learning of growing environmental concerns, the Trust has moved to formally withdraw our support, and we are working through a legal process at the moment.


Te Reo initiatives

Te Mātāwai is a new organisation established under Te Ture mō Te Reo Māori 2016 (The Māori Language Act 2016) to lead revitalisation of Te Reo Māori on behalf of iwi and Māori. The Trust’s recent funding application to  Te Mātāwai to run two Kura Reo classes and an Ataarangi class was successful. Round two for funding will be open on Monday 17 September for six weeks, inviting applications for home and community Te Reo initiatives.  Applications must be completed in Te Reo Māori and align with an Iwi Strategic Plan. For more information go to


Engaging our Rangatahi

The Trust is keen to focus on engaging more with our rangatahi. We believe it’s important that they stay informed of Treaty developments and we hope to see more attending future hui. The Trust has started increasing our presence on Facebook so that information and news is more readily available. In the last week  alone we have had 30 more likes of our page with our posts reaching almost 5,000 people.


More ESR support

The Trust has been working with the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) to explore how we can capture 3D imagery of Ngati Rangitihi’s marae. We want to document, preserve and share its unique cultural heritage with whānau including those living outside of our rohe. Funding that ESR has secured from the Government to support this project (approximately $70,000) has been used to capture marae imagery and commence work on producing a 3D virtual tour of the marae and its taonga. Thanks to the additional funding of $75,000 from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, the next stage of work will involve recapturing footage using new technologies not previously available to improve the quality of the 3D animation.


Queen’s Birthday Honours

Congratulations to Trust Chairman Leith Comer who was made a companion of the Queen’s Service Order in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours for his services to Māori, the state and local government.


Charitable Trust Grant Recipients May-Aug 2018












* $1,000 per participant for a visit to Germany with those not going to refund the Trust.

The next applications deadline for Charitable Trust Grant Applications is Friday 5 October.


Newsletter feedback

The Trust is keen to hear your thoughts on these newsletters. Let us know what sort of stories you would like to see in future editions.  To share feedback with the Trust, email us at:


Update your contact details

The Agreement in Principle in our Treaty Settlement process is expected in October so it is vital that we have your updated contact details to keep you posted on developments and how to get engaged in the process. Make sure you and your whānau have your details up to date.

Phone Alana Hunter or Darcy Stoneham on 07 322 2452 to update your details today.