Kōrero o te Tiamana


Tēnā koutou katoa

I am pleased to report that 2016 is off to a very good start for Te Mana, with our restructuring complete and the office running smoothly. The audit of the Iwi Register is now almost finalised and I acknowledge staff for the way they have worked with our kaumātua on this significant task.

Importantly, the Treaty negotiation process is about to start and I look forward to confirmation of our negotiators and those who have asked to be observers shortly. It is excellent to see our Ngāti Rangitihi research coming together as well. This is a major undertaking but one that is vital for our iwi going forward. You will find an update on progress on page 2 of this newsletter. The research effort is being supported by staff who have been busy archiving research data, including correspondence, maps, Māori Land Court minutes and Crown Purchase Deeds. They are currently looking at ways to make this information available to everybody in our iwi.

It was encouraging to see a strong turn-out at our recent hui-a-iwi, and I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our upcoming hui on Sunday 3 April.

Leith Comer
Te Mana o Ngāti Rangitihi Trust

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