It has warmed our hearts to hear of whānau supporting one another and our kaumātau. To our essential kaimahi who bravely carry on and all our whānau who have done us proud by sticking to the official Alert Level 4 guidelines – He mihi.

Cases of COVID-19 have been dropping steadily and Aotearoa would appear to be on the path to recovery. However, it is critical we maintain our efforts, keep our bubbles small, travel only when essential, and continue to stay home.

We have now heard from Government that the Alert Level 4 rāhui has been extended to 11.59pm on Monday 27 April. We will then shift to Alert Level 3 for two weeks initially and then the Government will assess what the next steps will be.

Alert Level 3 brings some minor changes to restrictions and while some more movement in our communities will be permitted, we must be extra vigilant and continue to take social distancing and hygiene precautions seriously.

You can read the official information from Government around what Alert Level 3 means here.

We do want to address a few areas in this pānui – and that’s relating to tangihanga, our marae, our kaumātua and all those considered high-risk.


We await the latest detailed guidance by the Ministry of Health on this for how this applies specifically under Alert Level 3. The information we do have at the moment is that under Alert Level 3, gatherings of up to 10 people are allowed, including for tangihanga. Physical distancing and public health measures must be maintained. In the meantime, we are still at Alert Level 4, and the rules for tangihanga at that level are available here.


Our Rangitihi Marae remains closed until it is considered safe to re-open. We acknowledge this has not be an easy adjustment but there will come a time when we, together with Ngāti Rangitihi kāhui kaumātua, members of the Pae Tapu, Marae Trust and Committee, can re-open the doors of our Marae and welcome you there.


Under Alert Level 3 our kaumātua and at risk whānau will still need support. We will continue our Te Mana support efforts, and we are expanding those in the regions our members are in.

Our Te Mana community support staff are essential workers and are equipped with all the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) they need to keep themselves, our kaumātua, and all those considered at risk, safe.

Read about how we’re supporting our kaumātua here.

If you, or any of our whānau need assistance or have ideas of what other support we could be providing, please let us know. Our physical Te Mana office will remain closed, but we are available by phone or online to answer your queries.

Follow our official channels for all information on our COVID-19 Response for Ngāti Rangitihi

These channels are:

All information will be provided on these platforms as your main source of information relating to Ngāti Rangtihi.

Ngāti Rangitihi, as we make the transition to Alert Level 3, let us remain united in our efforts to fight COVID-19. Our people will get through this but only if we continue to work together.

Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi.

Leith Comer
Te Mana o Ngāti Rangitihi Trust