Toma Mason - Chair
Iwi/hapū: Ngāti Rangitihi
Toma is a public servant based in Wellington with experience in providing policy advice, project management, and Māori capability training to a range of government organisations. He has governance experience in the areas of iwi and sports. He places high priority on maintaining a close connection to the haukāinga and shares a deep commitment to supporting the future development aspirations of Ngāti Rangitihi whānau at home and abroad. Having been raised in Matatā alongside many of his cousins, Toma attributes his drive and passion for the Iwi to the many examples of leadership he became accustomed to growing up at the Pā and within many whānau of Matatā.

Kereama Wright
Iwi/hapū: Ngāti Rangitihi
He uri a Kereama nō Raureti Mokonuiārangi. Ahakoa i pakeke ia i Rotorua, kua roa tōna whānau e tautoko ana i ngā kaupapa a Ngāti Rangitihi, a mua, a muri hoki. Kereama is a veteran journalist who now produces Aukaha News on behalf of iwi radio stations in the central north island. Kereama's passion is for all Ngāti Rangitihi uri to flourish where ever they are in the world.

Freda Semmens
Iwi/hapū: Ngāti Rangitihi
As a kuia living in Matatā for 56 years, I have enjoyed working with our talented and hardworking young people, just as I did with their parents and grandparents in our Matatā and Marae community. My expertise lies in financial recording, reporting, and banking processes. I also bring skills in listening, communication, and humour. I have served as chair and co-opted treasurer on the Marae Committee and Marae Trust, respectively, and currently hold the treasurer position on the Ngāti Rangitihi Kāhui Kaumātua Roopu.

Sophie Tangitu